Apni Digital Duniya

Free Business Listing Websites in India

2022-08-18 17:28:12

Long ago, the phone book was the most important ledger in every household. It contained all of the town's phone numbers. The phone directory has become extinct due to the invasion of technology. Business listing sites serve a similar function to phone directories. These websites contain all of the business information for a specific region, as well as contact information. In the early days of the internet, a business directory was thought to be the equivalent of today's search engine.

What are Business Listings?

Business listings are public profiles that anyone can view. A typical business listing includes NAP (Name, Address, and Phone Number) information.

Certain business listings also capture advanced information such as website and working hours. A company's information should be included on various platforms and directories so that it can be found everywhere on the internet.

Business Listing History

Prior to the arrival of search engine behemoths such as Google, business listings were the go-to place for all information seekers. Looking back at how these business listings came to be, the whole point was the need. The internet gave birth to numerous websites, and each business began to have its own website.

Why Are Business Listing Sites Important For A Business?

Previously, local businesses advertised through collateral, radio advertising, television advertising, newspaper advertising, and so on. These types of advertisements drain one's bank account while providing little value. Digital marketing is the new age of local business marketing.

1. SEO for Local Businesses

In the digital space, small businesses face stiff competition from large corporations. Local SEO provides a good opportunity for local businesses to rank high in search engines for local keywords. For example, a local business has a much better chance of ranking for a keyword like "Barber Shops near me" than a large and well-known brand, provided the local SEO for the business is done correctly. Business listing is an important aspect of local SEO. Having a business listing on reputable business listing sites shows Google how local the company is.

2. Be Discovered

Despite the fact that Google is the best way to find any business in the world, business listings are still used to find information about businesses. Not every local business can afford a website and the necessary SEO to rank higher. They can, however, always be listed in free business listing sites and found when their prospects search for them.

What Are the Best Free Business Listing Sites in India?

On the internet, there are millions of business listing websites. Listing on every Tom Dickens and Harry Potter website is stupid and a waste of time. It is critical to select good business listing websites. So, how do you sort through the business listing websites?


There are a few ground rules;

1.Websites that are not spammy

Assume you're looking for information on a website. You see annoying and irrelevant ads everywhere, making it difficult to find the information you require. Your first step should be to leave the website. Your prospects do as well. As a result, listing in spammy websites is pointless.

2. A high domain authority

Obtaining a backlink from a new business listings website with a high domain authority will provide your website with high-value link juice. There are numerous tools available for determining the domain authority of new business listing websites. In this article, we have covered the top 100 business listings in India with a domain authority of more than 40.

3. Do-follow hyperlinks

It must be a do-follow link in order for the link juice to be passed to your website. Not every new business listings website offers do-follow links, but all websites should have a mix of do-follow and no-follow links.


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